Friday, January 29, 2010

Recently, there is a dispute between the Muslims and the Chirstians because the Christians used the name 'Allah' as their God.

However, the Muslims did not allow that and it caused some vandalism and burn of church.

Three despatch riders, including two brothers, claimed trial at a Sessions Court here to setting fire to the Metro Tabernacle Church in Desa Melawati early this month.

They are siblings Raja Muhammad Faizal Raja Ibrahim, 24, and Raja Muhammad Idzham Raja Ibrahim, 22, and their 23-year-old friend Azuwan Shah Ahmad.

They are charged with committing mischief with fire at the church in Desa Melawati, Wangsa Maju with the intention to destroy it at 11.50pm on Jan 7.

The trio were said to have committed the offence with several others who are still at large.

If convicted, they could be jailed up to 20 years and fined under Section 436 of the Penal Code.

Raja Muhammad Faizal had burn marks on his hands, body and face and a urine bag hung on his right side.

His younger brother, clad in a brown striped T-shirt and dark shorts, also had burns on his hand.

Media photographers and cameramen however were not able to get any pictures of them as they were brought in and out of court through a tunnel.

DPP Anselm Charles Fernandis asked the court to set bail at RM20,000 in one surety in view of the gravity of the offence and because it is of public interest.

He added that there were direct and circumstantial evidence against the trio.

All three pleaded for lower bail, saying they were from poor families and were first offenders.

Sessions Court judge S.M. Komathy Suppiah set bail at RM20,000 in one surety for each accused.

She, however, said she would allow each of them to post RM10,000 as security for their release pending disposal of the case.

In expressing their intention to engage a lawyer, the trio asked for more time to handle legal matters.

Raja Muhammad Idzham asked for two months to appoint a lawyer, adding that they had also not met their family members for some time.

Komathy set March 12 for mention of the case.

The trio failed to post bail.

Earlier media reports stated that the police had arrested eight men involved in the arson attack on the church to assist in investigations.

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