Ten years later...
The village is no longer a village. The village has been developed into a congested city area. The wooden houses are not seen anymore, but replaced by rows and rows of new concrete buildings. Muddy roads have also turned into straight and broad roads. Cars is seen all over the area. Although sport cars are still not common, but it can be seen driven by some rich guys in Thul. This place is changed into a place for goods transporting to factories and others places. As the number of the factories are in an increasing trend, the clean air and the crystal clear sea water is completely polluted. Currently, a construction of an airport is ongoing and when the government suggested this idea a year ago, none of the villagers disagreed. Unfortunately, the villagers no longer loved the dirty area so they decided to move to some other villages in India, but this time, far far away from Thul.
The new area is not as congested as Thul. It was a quiet and peaceful area near a forest. The villagers there now take up hunting as their main jobs, not fishing anymore.
Hari continued with his poultry farm and also the watch mending job. Hari had became the biggest manufacturer of chicken eggs in Bombay, and also some other further places. Some chicken sellers from far away in India doesn't mind taking the trouble to come to his poultry farm to purchase some chicken eggs and also meat as the eggs and meat sold by Hari has the best quality in India. Although he is busy with his poultry farm, he determined to continue running the first business of his father, which is watch mending. He had forgiven his father for all his mistake he made as he was willing to turn over a new leaf and bear the responsibility of earning money for the family. Unfortunately, his passed away a year ago at the age of 60 because of kidney problem. Although Hari was willing to pay whatever amount of money to heal him, but he still passed away. Just if he did not drank so much toddy when he was young, he would pass on so early. Besides that, Hari had also found a nice wife and got married at the age of 32 as his business is stablelize. Although he has to pay for Kamal and Bela to go to university, he never felt that it is a burden to him as he is rich enough.
Lila remained without a job and does household chores together with her mother everyday. They clean up their new big house together, wash clothes together, and does many other household chores together. She did not get married as she just wished to live a relax lifetime with her family members, being a normal woman is just enough for her.
Eventhough their family were rich, they did not live lifes like millionares, simply spending money. They are still more used to their olden life by doing things by their own.
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